Parent Workshops

As parents and carers, we are faced with many challenges in nurturing our children's attitudes to life and learning, especially in today's fast-moving world of technology.
BEST Parent Workshops provide you with strategies to enable the brain to guide you, to connect you with your own, unique child; How they are Thinking, how they are Feeling and how that affects their Behaviour. Helping you develop your child's skills to grow into a confident young adult!
What Can BEST's Parent Workshops Offer You?

BEST Parent Workshops are designed to support families by teaching parents about the development of a child’s brain. Through understanding the evolution from our ancestral stone age emotional brain to our modern high tech thinking brain helps us to gain a better insight into how our Thoughts, Feelings and Actions are connected.
This recognition, along with researched strategies, helps parents to acknowledge and cope with their own emotions, as well as that of their child, developing better ways to communicate from an emotional toddler to a complex teen and therefore creating happier, confident parents.
To book a place on our online workshop please visit:
For more information for our workshops, please email or
contact Julia on +44 7946 616146

“The Voice of Reason” – Ten parent workshops to understand the reason behind your child’s behaviour.
Just when we think we have answers to our child’s particular behaviour, like ‘Whack a Mole’ another pops up, more perplexing and challenging than before. These series of workshops are here to help explain their baffling behaviours and give strategies to you, the parents, to
help guide and calm the chaos.
Subjects such as:
Your Child’s Primal Brain and Nervous System – Focuses on the reasons behind our child’s big behaviours. It helps us to understand the development of our child’s brain and nervous system enabling us to recognise what our child’s behaviour is actually communicating. Strategies in reacting to big behaviours.
Self-Regulation – The reason we need to Calm the Chaos and nurture our child’s ability to regulate their emotions. Understanding our own autonomic nervous system and our own need for tolerance. Strategies to create a more compassionate household.