The Voice of Reason
Dates: 15th November
Day: Friday
Time: 10.00am – 11.00am
Venue: Online
Self-Regulation – The reason we need to Calm the Chaos and nurture our child’s ability
to regulate their emotions. Understanding our own autonomic nervous system and our
own need for tolerance. Strategies to create a more compassionate household.
97 in stock
The nervous system is like a light switch. When our brain decides that most of the incoming information is safe, it keeps our switch in ‘Connection’ – your green pathway, This is where are three brains are working together, we feel calm and balanced.
When our nervous system decides the incoming information is not safe, the “danger-danger” system comes online and it flips us into ‘Protection’ – your red or blue pathway.
This term we focus our attention on regulating strategies to recognise the different pathways and being able to shift from blue and red into green.
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